

Starting the month Hopeful!

Posted by Josh Torrans on 03/13/18

It's always good to start out the month hopeful. We all would like new unicycles but sometimes that's just not realistic or we are perfectly content with the unicycle or unicycles we already have.Here … read more
5 ways to stay unstoppable on your unicycle!

5 ways to stay unstoppable on your unicycle!

Posted by UDC Team on 11/02/16

Try if your schedule allows to ride everyday no matter how long or short. If you can’t break away just hug your unicycle. If your schedule is tight but requires different stops along the way you … read more

The Adventure of Loving your Unicycle

Posted by UDC Team on 09/09/16

UNICYCLE LOVE: Here is a story that shows the adventure of loving your unicycle. Benjamin "Sky" Horne of Brevard, NC has pedaled the TransAM Trail in 2010 without the benefit and extra weight of a s … read more

Are you prepared?

Posted by UDC Team on 09/09/16

UNICYCLE LOVE: Are you prepared? We want to keep you prepared for the unexpected! When is the last time you inventoried or checked the contents of your riding/hydration pack? Empty the wrappers out … read more

Hydration is important!

Posted by UDC Team on 09/09/16

Unicycle Love:  We know the effects of not getting enough water while riding in hot temperatures. What would happen if you drank too much water? Believe it or not hydration can actually … read more